
Me in Feb 2018
Always nice to see who’s writing.

My name is Paul Hubbard and this is my blog. Self hosted, no sponsors, purely personal. The title seemed the perfect name for a blog.

I am speaking on this site solely for myself and not for any employers, past or present. I pay all costs, there are no ads, sponsors or paid content. Any conflicts will be disclosed in the post. I want this to be an old-school personal site, not a brand or influencer or scammer.

I’m a computer engineer, based in San Diego CA, and I’ve been a developer for quite a while. Career details are on my LinkedIn page and my open source code is on my Github. I’ve also done quite a bit of time as  a watch reviewer and consultant, WatchReport.com,  ABlogToWatch and my own site, WatchOtaku. I blogged for several years at the now-defunct fnord.phfactor.net; I decided to not try and import those posts here.

I do plan to interleave watch geekery here along with other topics of interest, and I’m actively interested in reader comments and feedback.